Saturday, June 30, 2012

Travel Guide to Srilanka

This statement is the first thing he hears the visitor to Sri Lanka in any place they go to him and official greeting means I wish you long life ('May You Live Long')
. And welcomes Alsrlankjon has returned to raise their hands when greeting and repeating this phrase in this way shown in the picture.
1 - Visa
Not required to go to Sri Lanka to obtain a visa from the embassy prior to the Sri Lankan citizens of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where gives the Visitor Visa free for a month at the airport and give during the entry stamp within a few seconds.
2 - to fly to Sri Lanka
Organize many of the airlines Gulf, Arab and international daily flights from all countries of the Gulf to Kolmopo can take one of those lines from Riyadh and stop in Abu Dhabi or Dubai or Doha, Sharjah, Kuwait or Bahrain, and then change the plane to Colombo and lines the Gulf governing flights with Kinsn of a Riyadh the following airlines:
1 - Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabian Airlines direct
2 - Alsrlankih SriLankan Airlines direct from Dammam in Dammam and stops if the flight from Riyadh.
3 - Etihad Airways with a stop in Abu Dhabi is a great
4 - Qatar Qatar Airways stops at Doha
5 - Kuwait Kuwait Airways stopped in Kuwait
6 - Arabic AirArabia stop in Sharjah
7 - Gulf Air Gulf Air
8 - Emirates Airlines Emirates Airlines stop in Dubai.
Ticket prices
Are almost convergent exceptions where a simple Ticket prices range from 1100 to 1700. With the exception of Air Arabia.
Sites Gulf airlines offices in Colombo
Most airline offices are located in an area (Fort) where the country, and Etihad Airways in the third round of the second tower for the Hilton. Most of the rest of the offices of the Gulf airlines is located in the same area and some are located in St. Galle, and some in the hotel The Galadari Hotel. And all these places where the whole convergent in what area (Fort), one of the finest areas in Colombo and is the most high-end hotels and is located by the World Trade Center and the Bank of Ceylon and the two towers Almshahuran in Colombo and symbol.
Best times to visit Sri Lanka
Months December, January February (December, January, February, a season they have the most expensive hotels, which makes a bit but by tourist offices often overlook that and give prices of semi-convergent at all times.
Months of relatively warm March April May (March, April, May) with the atmosphere are almost identical except that it increases the heat in these months in the coastal parts and there is some moisture.
Tourist attractions in Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan tourism depends primarily on the following types of tourism:
1 - Nature lovers of nature forest waterfalls, farms, gardens. Wildlife reserves
2 - water sports, water skiing, Surfing, diving diving, water adventures.
3 - lovers of bird watching and follow-up Berd watching
4 - safari in the forest car pocket.
Elephant Safari 5 - (Safari on the backs of elephants to cross the rivers, forests and swamps.
6 - flights river (River boat ride)
7 - museums, temples and monuments of ancient civilizations Buddhist temples & Hindu, Musumes, culture
8 - Agro tea and Rice factories (tea, rice)
9 - Farms spices Spice Gardens
10 - herbal remedies Herbal Medicine
11 - Industry and trade of precious stones. Gem Mines
Sri Lanka is a tourist of the most secure and respect for the tourist whatever his nationality, and all five hotels and four stars there are in the rooms Safety Box for keeping valuables.
Entry and exit procedures for 1 -
Used at the airport in Colombo automated system where you read passports electronically and this does not take action in and out only a few seconds to a minute do not reach the person does not face any kind of delay or procrastination, or maybe this My Experience with them.
2 - requires the visitor to fill entry card attached with the passport in English and did not get a card in the bird can be obtained from the arrival hall of Alcontrat corresponding to the passports.
3 - When you leave the visitor to fill needs to leave the card in English is also attached with the passport.
4 Download - luggage
After logging can get on the bandwagon luggage free of charge and can be drawn to the external positions without any fees and so to leave he can get on the bandwagon free to the left after shipping luggage any that the traveler does not need to serve him in that what pain wish is that has been assigned the amount of perhaps half a dollar is simple enough.
Language is English is the language of tourism in Sri Lanka where most of the population speaks even small vendors. There is also the Arabic-speaking guides and drivers Alsahristin belonging to some tourist agencies and the languages ​​German, Italian and French are also used by tour guides and drivers, as many Aagdiha fluently.
Albkhchih and gratuities
The Albkhchih and favors a global system reflects the appreciation of the person who shall serve him, and in Sri Lanka does not insist workers in any place, whether in hotels or restaurants on the litigation Albkhchih but they Imitnon much for those who recognizes them a little and this suggests that distracted visitor since Hzth entering the airport, the amount of thirty dollars almost category rupees (twenty) is less than the Saudi riyal riyal is 27 rupees and this amount is very Kpkhchih or tip as the amount sufficient for payment until the end of the journey.
Also entertainment of the driver is expected of everyone, but it is compulsory due to the nature of the person and his generosity. Method of booking hotels and housing.
Proposes to coordinate with one tourist agencies in Sri Lanka travel either before or during the access of the airport is not recommended at all to deal directly with the hotel because the prices will weaken as if taken by an office or travel agency. I advise not taking the Packaging of Makka tap tourism in the Gulf states because their prices are exaggerated a lot.
Hotel prices
Saw Sri Lanka a year and a half years a remarkable increase in hotel prices from what it was two years ago, and is the price of hotels in Colombo, the capital is cheaper than elsewhere in the rest of the tourist cities where the price of five-star hotels do not exceed the room Super Deluxe in the best cases for $ 100 if booked by a tourist agency. As for the outside of Colombo hotels, especially the coast and Candy will have to three hundred or four hundred dollars a night. But through the agency and the prices come down much room as possible to take the Super hundred dollars and less. Despite the high prices for hotels Tari, but Sri Lanka lost its much cheaper than its neighbors, India, the Maldives and its hotels are still within reach.
Food prices and purchases:
Most of the food and personal needs is very cheap, including restaurants Afasst delegations are cheaper than the prices we have in Persian Gulf. It also needs the rest of the cheap prices to a large extent.
Is Sri Lanka is generally very clean although the country is very poor, but most of the streets and roads clean and see the people who sweep the streets with their hands and even in the assigned s remote and the roads of the opinion of the Ens of the citizens the ways of primitive Aledioah and rarely can see the dirt accumulated wherever you go.
Sri Lanka is from developed countries in the field of health, so Almstviac and health clinics are available in all places, and is a lot of luxury hotels and resorts provide service resident doctor for emergency treatment at the resort or hotel. The cheap prices of medicines compared their prices to us.
Hotels and apartments in the cities of the proposed Aserlakih
Of course the situation varies depending on the person's desire and ability of financial and budget, but I advise to go to Sri Lanka to live in the five hotels and four stars because it's cheap and wonderful. Especially if taken by a tourist agency, either through direct bookings have thought that the room in some high-end hotels with four hundred dollars a night you can take them with a hundred dollars by the Agency. And accompanied by the proposed list of hotels in each city is about the experience and after having heard the most hotels of four and five star hotels in each city. The hotels of the three, Monday and one-star and what is known Balkst House there are many very, very difficult to grasp, but it could be argued that some or many of them very clean, but he does not have the means of well-being just a bed and only those suitable for those who wish to economize or budget is limited. And their prices often ranging between 25 to 50 dollars. Of the room.
The following is a suggested list of the best hotels in Sri Lankan cities
First, the proposed hotel in the city of Colombo
Hilton Colombo, Colombo
Continental Hotel Ceylon
Cinnamon Grand Hotel (Colombo
The Galadari Hotel
Taj Samudra Hotel
Palm Village Hotel
Trans Asia Hotel
Holiday Inn, Colombo three stars
Apartments hotel
Hilton Colombo Residence, Colombo
Secondly the best hotels in the city of the proposed KANDY:
Earl's Regency Hotel
Mahaweli Reach Hotel
Hunas falls Hotel Resort
Le Kandyan Hotel Resort
Thilanka Hotel three stars.
Best hotels proposed in the Nuwara Eliya
Grand Hotel
The Tea Factory
Best hotels in the proposed Pintoth Bentota:
Taj Exotica Hotel
Bentota Beach Hotel
Best hotels in Beruwela proposed
Eden Hotel
Aqdil Recommended Hotels in Giritale
Royal Lotus Hotel
Deer Park Hotel
Hotels near the proposed airport
The Beach Negombo
Royal Oceanic Beach Hotel, Negombo
Browns Beach Hotel, Negombo
There is a full description of each hotel together with the advantages and disadvantages in the proposed program.
Banks and exchange
Currency in circulation in Sri Lanka rupee is 100 rupees which is equivalent to one dollar and sometimes up to 103 by the Saudi riyal exchange rate often spend 27 rupees. Advisable to take a dollar spent there the better.
The visitor can to distract from Sri Lanka that international banks located in major cities and more global banks that accept International Cards, including the Gulf following banks:
As well as the Bank
Can be through these banks to withdraw cash card ATMs Saudi Arabia and the World from any ATM with these particular banks, which are rife in the capital almost Colombo and Kandy, and cities Alsahilh. However, caution should be taken may not find them only in Colombo and Kandy.
Can also withdraw cash on credit cards from banks mentioned any amount within the limit Alatmany card Credit is done by going to the cashier and give him the card and passport, and then determine the amount and then is passed Albbtaqh on the device and give the full required amount in local currency, if the process was acceptable. Which in my view for the needy better than withdrawals from ATM because ATM does not give only a limited amount of wages and take it in the range of 30 Exchange SAR on all checked out, whatever the amount is small.
It should be noted that it can exchange dollars of any bank Guy Sprlanka / as well as places of exchange and hotels, but hotel prices are sometimes less than four rupees for market exchange. Also that the banks where the exchange rate is not uniform must take this into account.
How to dispose of excess Balrobeat after the completion of the journey.
If you have an amount of rupees you want to get rid of it, the best place to be traced is the airport when you arrive to the airport and end of the luggage and before entering the hall Passport find many of the banks, I'd suggest replacing rupees dollars. Can also be restored and re-dispensing of any place exchange center of the city but is not recommended never to return to their homeland because they are not often available only with difficulty.
As can be seen that most of the hotels hold them accountable when they return to you the rest dollar in rupees not keen on it so much.
Forbidden places where photography
Photography is allowed in Sri Lanka in all attractions except the following places
1 - photography is strictly prohibited military areas
2 - prevents the imaging Balfedo in malls and commercial complexes
3 - prevents imaging Balfedo near the World Trade Center and the Hilton hotel complex Alkonnentnl, Qladria in Alfort.
Than otherwise may be subject to Auqhobh after his warning.
Appropriate dress
Sri Lanka a little hot on the coasts of, and moderate in Kandy, and cool to almost cold in Noralea. Therefore, the proposed garment is light, cotton clothing or cold in general. Bring some clothes with simple warm Noralea even if it is not necessary.
Hijab for women
Of veiled women they can wear the full veil, including the cover of the face and cloak on the head everywhere in Sri Lanka without it draws attention All the Muslim women wear the veil Alserlankiat full and cover the full black cloak and Atnqln him in all places. There are Muslims and are proud of their religion and their garments.
The best way to travel and transportation in Sri Lanka
Does not represent the movement in Sri Lanka any obstacle or problem for the tourists as tourists to Sri Lanka Istita choose between the following options
1 - Asttjar private car, both the (Private van) or small, from the moment of arrival to the airport either by tourist agency agrees with her but she often governing hotel reservations, car or by the owner personally for the entire trip for those who do not want to deal with the tour company. This is where the daily rent is often thought that the car with the driver for the twenty-four hours without any cost to the tourist of gas or diesel or oil or otherwise. All that is sponsored by the company and included in the rent and the cost of the car daily, or two thousand, as follows:
* - Two thousand between 25-50 dollars a day, because it is cheaper diesel.
* - Small between 35-50 because it works Balenzan Tkhosrhm more.
2 - take a car journey one direction and this cost depending on the distance, but often does not exceed $ 50 for an important journey yet.
3 - Use the train between cities does not advise it at all because it is not safe. It is also not good and old.
4 - buses are very cheap, but I for Aansah entertained so as to permit private cars.
Movement within the city
To navigate within the city is casual with a private car can navigate within the city because the driver with him all the time.
You can use small cars, which is doing a taxi and called there
Tuk Tuks are pretty cheap. See the picture of Altec Talk. There is no counter, but based on this agreement and Valmkasr may lead to an agreement satisfactory to both parties
Are tourists responsible for the driver
A tourist is not responsible for eating or drinking or sleeping driver for the duration of the trip as the availability of all hotels Alsrlankih Altabaaan for drivers for companies and travel agencies for free housing and food where there is a special dormitory drivers supplement each hotel. And if you want your driver contacted him by telephone, or if he does not contact the reception they received Aousolink it.
Follow-up newspapers and daily news
Issued in Sri Lanka many of the English newspapers, which the tourist can be seen it is these newspapers:

Most hotels and five four-star has the multi-channel satellite receiver and have seen in one of them (Ceylon Kintnntal Pkolembo) Saudi Channel One. A brother in his distinctive Scarpeon he found the channel MBC2 in a hotel you dog Noralea Fe.
Are options for eating out of Sri Lanka hotels in the semi-limited exception of the cities of Kandy and Colombo, where there are many of them world-famous restaurants such as Mikdanolz, Kentucky, and Hut Pisa, Pisa said, two restaurants and an Arab. Please see the Arab and international restaurants in Kolbmo and Candy.
But outside these two cities it is difficult to eat outside the hotel and this suggests the following:
1 - make a reservation with the hotel to eat and they have three options are:
(Stay with breakfast) Bed & breakfast
Stay with two meals breakfast and dinner or tomorrow)) Half Board
Set up with three meals)) Full Board
And suggests strongly the work of booking with food in areas outside Colombo or Kandy at least Half Board because it would be cheaper if paid directly if you want to eat at the hotel.
Cooking at the hotel
Some of the Arab tourists bring with them some of their own eating and cooking tools such as an electric stove as much as silencer line 220 because the electricity they have only 220. Bstmy rice because it is not available there, and some canned goods. The vegetable oils are available and there is no need for the mountains and can be cooking in the hotel rooms without any problem under the condition that does not know this, and maintain, but makes steam come out fire alarm works. Kindly see this image taken from a wonderful topic for my brother, discrimination Scarpon thank him and I hope that Excuse me a quote because it is expressive Avatar striking them where they Jayben spring tea and tea Deira Deira originally